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2019年2月6日 多位消息人士称,Reddit将筹集1.5亿至3亿美元资金,以保持网站的正常运行 Reddit上市后的估值可能达到30亿美元,这取决于它能从硅谷及其他 去金融界 首页看看|金融界App|网站地图投资服务:爱投顾股票|开转户|盈利宝基金.

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2019年11月7日 在周三的当前时段中,Inpixon(NASDAQ:INPX)在近期交易中报收于$ Reddit上 的故事充斥着一些投资者在一夜之间将一笔小投资变成一百万  2014年12月20日 员工入职送期权什么的已经不流行了,Reddit在这件事情上比任何初创公司玩的都野 :他们已经准备给用户发期权了,今年9月5000万美元融资  2019年2月6日 多位消息人士称,Reddit将筹集1.5亿至3亿美元资金,以保持网站的正常运行 Reddit上市后的估值可能达到30亿美元,这取决于它能从硅谷及其他 去金融界 首页看看|金融界App|网站地图投资服务:爱投顾股票|开转户|盈利宝基金. 5 Mar 2020 Inpixon (NASDAQ: INPX) shares fell 10% to $2.30 in pre-market trading. Inpixon shares jumped around 18% on Wednesday after the company  r/jesuschristreddit reddit 里一些令人感到诧异的回复. r/MakeupAddiction 萌宠, 早上看一天好心情 /r/wallstreetbets “神”一样的股票讨论版. yolo! to the moon!

PIR | Complete People's Insurance Co. (Group) of China Ltd. stock news by MarketWatch. View real-time stock prices and stock quotes for a full financial overview.

It offers Inpixon Security, a mobile security and detection product that locates devices operating within a monitored area; Inpixon Intelligence, a commercial product for enabling location and/or context-based marketing services, and information delivery to mobile devices based on zones as small as 10 feet or as large as a square mile; and 提供Inpixon(INPX)股票的行情走势、五档盘口、逐笔交易等实时行情数据,及Inpixon(INPX)的资讯、公司公告、研究报告、行业研报、F10资料、行业资讯、资金流分析、阶段涨幅、所属板块、财务指标、机构观点、行业排名、估值水平、股吧互动等与Inpixon(INPX)有关的信息和服务。 Inpixon analyst estimates by MarketWatch. View INPX revenue estimates and earnings estimates, as well as analyst recommendations. Inpixon earned a news sentiment score of -5.0 on InfoTrie's scale. They also assigned news stories about the technology company a news buzz of 2.0 out of 10, meaning that recent press coverage is very unlikely to have an effect on the stock's share price in the next few days. Inpixon (Nasdaq: INPX), a leading indoor data company that delivers Indoor Intelligence solutions, today announced the release of its latest indoor mapping platform, Jibestream 4.13. The release

提供基於數據分析及定位的解決方案和服務 Inpixon(INPX.US)總部位於美國加州Palo Alto,前身為Sysorex Global,2017年3月更為現名,透過其子公司為全球商業及政府顧客提供基於數據分析及定位的解決方案和服務,透過旗下Mobile, IoT & Big Data Products、Storage and Computing、SaaS (software-as-a-services)及 Professional Services

Inpixon is a Visionary 2020 Gartner Magic Quadrant for Indoor Location Services, Global View Report Security that sees what you're missing Achieve wireless situational awareness, locate rogue devices, and prevent a physical cybersecurity breach Inpixon Press Releases

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